The Sand Castle

Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Green Beans are YUMMMMMYYYY and Messy!!!

We tried a new veggie last night, green beans! I think she likes them better than sweet potatoes. She even got to eat them in her new high chair. Last night she was really scooting along the floor like she was trying to crawl. I really don't think it will be long and she will be crawling. She kept scooting off the playmat to try to get at the dogs and then she would get upset when she discovered she was so far off her playmat. It was cute. At Rian's Dr. appointment yesterday we put her on the scale and she weighed 14 lbs 15 ounces with her clothes and her diaper on. She is getting so big! That's almost 2 pounds she's gained in the past month. Yikes!!

Caitlin and I both have colds. :( I think mine is worse than Caitlin's. I hope we can get rid of them soon. We just have runny, stuffed up noses and we've been sneezing a bit too.

I think our heat wave is finally supposed to let up today. It has been miserably hot. Hopefully we will get a lot of rain this afternoon.

Rian goes to the neurologist today to check out his headaches. We think they are tension headaches, but Dr. Murphy wants him to see a specialist, just in case.

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Sunday, July 24, 2005

Caitlin Loves Biscuit and Bagel

Here are some pictures I took tonight of Caitlin with the dogs. Bagel was not too sure about being hugged by Caitlin. Unfortunately sometimes she grabs their fur and hangs on for dear life and they aren't too fond of that. Caitlin sure loves to "talk" to them.

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Saturday, July 23, 2005

Caitlin is 5 months old!

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It is amazing how fast time flies sometimes. I can hardly believe that Caitlin is already 5 months old. She is growing so fast! She is now eating rice cereal and sweet potatoes. Next week I think we are going to try green beans. She sure loves her veggies! (So far anyway!) She even mimics her dad when he waves at her. She rolls over and over and over and over again. I'm sure it won't be long and she'll be saying her first words and crawling. She already scoots along the floor, so I know it won't be much longer.
It's been 100 degrees here the past couple days with heat indexes over 105 degrees. It is absolutely miserable. Even the dogs don't want to go outside. I can't wait until this heatwave is over. Bring on fall, I am ready!! I want to be able to take Caitlin for more walks and enjoy the outside. Right now it is just too yucky outside. Thank goodness for air conditioning.
Biscuit and Bagel met Lucy last night. Lucy is a 7 month old black lab that belongs to some friends of ours. We weren't sure how they were going to get along, but they did really well. Lucy really wanted to play with them, but B&B were a little intimated by her size. By the end of the night they were pretty used to each other and they had a good time. It's too bad it was so hot, they would've had a great time chasing each other in the back yard.
That's all that's happening here for now.

Monday, July 18, 2005

Progress on our House

Here are pictures of the progress on our house. They are working to get the right kind of stone for the front and as soon as they have found the right kind they will get working on it. We are working on cabinets and countertops right now. Soon we will be picking out flooring.

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Saturday, July 09, 2005

Talking to the Dogs

Caitlin loves to talk to the dogs. She LOVES to watch them eat and while they eat she babbles and screeches and screeches and screeches and screeches. :) It's so funny to watch. She sits down by them in her bumbo chair, or she watches them from her exersaucer. The dogs just look at her like she's crazy! It's funny that she's just now noticing the dogs more and more. She giggles when they come up and lick her. They run when she tries to grab them by the fur. Soon enough she'll be able to chase them, I'm sure they'll LOVE that!

Friday, July 01, 2005

Barbara Walters and "The View" vs. Breastfeeding

If you haven't heard, Barbara Walters and the other ladies on "The View" have recently been very vocal about their views on breastfeeding and particularly women breastfeeding in public. Shame on you Barbara! She recently said that she was very "uncomfortable" at the site of a woman breastfeeding near her on an airplane. If you were uncomfortable, why were you looking? I'm sure the mother was covered up! It is fairly easy to breastfeed in public without exposing yourself to the world. A public "nurse - in" was actually organized to protest the comments made by Ms. Walters and the other members of the view. It's a shame that these ladies would be so vocal about their lack of support for breastfeeding. The AAP actually recommends that a baby be breastfed for their first year of life. Does this make me anti-formula feeding? No not in the least! I do support a mother's right to choose how they feed their baby, and if that means breastmilk, then that means that a baby's gotta eat, no matter where they might happen to be at the time. Unfortumately society has deemed that the breast is a sexual object, not an object intended for feeding babies. I hope that women who choose to breastfeed (no matter how long they do it) will be comfortable with their decision and not feel shamed by society.