The Sand Castle

Saturday, July 23, 2005

Caitlin is 5 months old!

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It is amazing how fast time flies sometimes. I can hardly believe that Caitlin is already 5 months old. She is growing so fast! She is now eating rice cereal and sweet potatoes. Next week I think we are going to try green beans. She sure loves her veggies! (So far anyway!) She even mimics her dad when he waves at her. She rolls over and over and over and over again. I'm sure it won't be long and she'll be saying her first words and crawling. She already scoots along the floor, so I know it won't be much longer.
It's been 100 degrees here the past couple days with heat indexes over 105 degrees. It is absolutely miserable. Even the dogs don't want to go outside. I can't wait until this heatwave is over. Bring on fall, I am ready!! I want to be able to take Caitlin for more walks and enjoy the outside. Right now it is just too yucky outside. Thank goodness for air conditioning.
Biscuit and Bagel met Lucy last night. Lucy is a 7 month old black lab that belongs to some friends of ours. We weren't sure how they were going to get along, but they did really well. Lucy really wanted to play with them, but B&B were a little intimated by her size. By the end of the night they were pretty used to each other and they had a good time. It's too bad it was so hot, they would've had a great time chasing each other in the back yard.
That's all that's happening here for now.


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