The Sand Castle

Friday, July 01, 2005

Barbara Walters and "The View" vs. Breastfeeding

If you haven't heard, Barbara Walters and the other ladies on "The View" have recently been very vocal about their views on breastfeeding and particularly women breastfeeding in public. Shame on you Barbara! She recently said that she was very "uncomfortable" at the site of a woman breastfeeding near her on an airplane. If you were uncomfortable, why were you looking? I'm sure the mother was covered up! It is fairly easy to breastfeed in public without exposing yourself to the world. A public "nurse - in" was actually organized to protest the comments made by Ms. Walters and the other members of the view. It's a shame that these ladies would be so vocal about their lack of support for breastfeeding. The AAP actually recommends that a baby be breastfed for their first year of life. Does this make me anti-formula feeding? No not in the least! I do support a mother's right to choose how they feed their baby, and if that means breastmilk, then that means that a baby's gotta eat, no matter where they might happen to be at the time. Unfortumately society has deemed that the breast is a sexual object, not an object intended for feeding babies. I hope that women who choose to breastfeed (no matter how long they do it) will be comfortable with their decision and not feel shamed by society.


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