The Sand Castle

Saturday, August 27, 2005

Update on Rian

I thought I'd write an update on Rian's teeth and his headaches. His surgery was on August 16th and he is still having quite a bit of pain. He also has quite a big gap between his front 2 teeth (which was supposed to happen). As they turn the key in the appliance in the top of his mouth, the space gets wider. Eventually his braces will move the teeth around until the gap is gone and his teeth are straight. It has been alot for him to go through, but hopefully this will fix his bite so it is easier for him to eat. He is really getting tired of eating soft and liquid foods all the time. He has resorted to eating some baby foods, which Caitlin thinks is really funny. When she sees him eating out of the jars, she fusses for him to give her a bite.

He had injections in the back of his head last week for his headaches. So far they haven't helped much. We go back and see the Dr. on the 1st, so we'll see what he says.


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